Jan 12, 2009

12th - Verb (cont.)

In Mapuzugun there are 3 grammatical moods (real, volitive & conditional) and 9 persons: 3 for the singular, 3 for the dual & 3 for the plural.

1. Realis Mood indicates that something is actually the case (or actually not the case); in other words, the state of which is known [2]

Notice the suffixes marked in blue

iñce amun
............... I have gone / I went
eymi amuymi ........ you have gone / you went
fey amuy ................. he has gone / he went

iñciw amuyu ......... we two have gone / we two went
eymu amuymu ..... you two have gone / you two went
feyegu amuygu .... they two have gone / they went

iñciñ amuyiñ ........... we (all) have gone / we (all) went
eymvn amuymvn ... you (all) have gone / yu (all) went
feyegvn amuygvn .. they (all ) have gone / they (all) went

Please, remind that dynamic verbs express that the action is already concluded. Also, that stative verbs express the action has not yet ended.
Note: This is a characteristic of Mapuzugun and has nothing to do with Stative or Dynamic verbs!

To the Stative Verb group belong:
...nien (to have)
...mvlen (to be - expressing location)
...verbalized words (i.e. words converted into verbs) using the middle particle "–ge-".
...xogli (thin) + middle particle "-ge-", is verbalized into the verb "xogligen" (to be thin)

Note: the particle "-ge-" presents the pecularity to apply the characteristic expressed in the word or verb to the person expressed in the suffix.
From the verb "pin" (to say) it derived the verb "pigen": "pi-" (verbal root) + "-ge-" + suffix for the 1st Pers. of the Singular "-n" to obtain the meaning "I am called / they call me" (actually, "my name is...")
Also, "pigen" (I am called), "pigeymi" (you are called), "pigey" (he is called) ,etc.
Note: this is not the passive voice!

- ¿Iñey pigeymi? = What's your name?
Note: it can also occur as: ¿Iñi pigeymi? due to local variations of Mapuzugun
- Edgardo ta iñce
- ¿Eymi kay? (and you?)
- _____ pigen (my name is ____)

Note: due to the fact that many sounds do not occur in Mapuzugun, like the sounds represented by the letters "d" and "g" (like "g" in "get", the transliteration would be: "Ezkarzo" /eθ'kaɹθo/, o just: "Ekarzo", just as the Spanish names "Juan" or "José" are transliterated as "Kuan" and "Kose" in Mapuzugun.

There are many options to respond to the question "¿Iñey pigeymi?":
_____ ta iñce
iñce ______
_____ pigen

Fill in the blank with your own name

Note: Remember "pigen" /pi'ŋen/ expresses how other people do call you!

[1] Cañumil et al, op. cit.

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